Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Day 49 & 50

Not much happened since I have been back in the UK except catch up on work stuff and some other things at home. My calf muscle is till sore so I may need to see the doctor about it if it is not better by the weekend. This also means no running/jogging so I am feeling really housebound and going crazy. No time yet for a long cold soak but maybe tomorrow or Friday will bring some opportunity for me to do that.

For these 2 days it has just been a short cold shower, but even this feels warm after the very cold baths of the past week. No temperature measurement so far but I will do that tomorrow. It feels warmer than when I left for vacation so its probably above 10C now straight out of the tap. Guess I need to go find that pond/river somewhere for a really cold experience over the next few weeks - or hope for another cold spell with snow and ice to wing its way in from Siberia.

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