Monday, 4 April 2011

A late resolution

I have been noticing that the times for my normal runs have been getting back to what they were about 12 months ago. I think the reason for this is that I have been without a running buddy for a long time now and the people that I do run with at the weekend are slower than me and I am running to their pace rather than pushing myself to run faster or to do things differently to improve my times.

So here's to a new resolution: to improve my run times to less than 35 minutes for my 7.1km normal run and to beat 50 minutes for my 10k run before July. I will keep you updated as to my progress.

Also my online buddy Karel from Estonia that is into cold water swimming has inspired me to get out on those cold winter mornings and start to swim in a river too. Maybe I need to find that special place close by for me to do this. Problem is the closest place is quite a few miles away and that would mean I need to get into the car to go there. Perhaps that is the only way to do it.

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