Wednesday, 5 January 2011

New year musings

Well, apart from overeating over the festive period and gaining almost 1Kg I have been doing some running too - 5 runs in the last few days actually covering over 50km in total. One of the runs is very scenic with the route going from one side of a valley to the other and back with some hill work thrown in. Temperatures at the start have been fluctuating between -2C and +5C.

Today was a warmish +2C start, but there was a freshening wind which cooled things down quite a bit. I did something I have not done for a while and that was to take my temperature when I got back from my run. Well, the one thermometer starts at 35C and I didn't event get onto the scale and the electronic one just shows "L" meaning that my temperature is too low. I was not feeling cold and was completely happy and mentally fit, but for some that would be a mild case of hypothermia. I just wonder how low my body temperature has actually got on some of those colder mornings? My body temp was back to a much more normal 36.2C within a short period of time once I got home and inside again

I am also starting to think about what running races I can do this year. I am keen to do a longer one (>10Km) or one where there is a lot of mud/water around - particularly in the next 1-2 months while it is still cold. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I am prepared to travel up to 50 miles from the west of London in the UK to reach a good race.

All the best for 2011 to all who read this too.


Mark said...

Have you thought about taking part in the Tough Guy competition: ???

Tremendi said...

Yes, I have thought about that. I think I may try the summer one first to get to know the course before tackling the winter one which runs at the end of this month. Entry to that race would be very expensive at this late stage. I have watched some of the videos on Youtube and it looks awesome.

Magirob said...

Wow, that tough guy thing looks pretty fierce, but rather cool, the July one has stinging nettles which looks very evil.