Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Sea Swim

Was away at the coast this past weekend and did a 9km run along the seafront and followed it with a short swim in the sea.

Although the air temp was quite low (around 7C) the sea temperature was actually quite warm in comparison (15C I later found out). I was the only person running shirtless - a lot of others were cycling and running but wearing multiple layers of clothing - and certainly the only one swimming at that time in the morning (around 08h00).

I saw few surfers out on the water on Saturday, but no-one was swimming or in the water without a wetsuit. I guess I will have to go back to the beach again in the middle of winter and do the same thing again. It may turn a few heads if I do.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

First Cold Days of Autumn 2010

The past 2 days here in the South East of England have been the coldest of the Autumn season so far. Air temps last night dipped well below zero and there was a significant depth of ice (3-4mm) on rainwater puddles in open areas and a heavy ground frost much in evidence. Yesterday was only slightly warmer - just above freezing with the thermometer in the car showing air temps varying from 0.5C to 3.5C when driving to and from the place I went for a run.

I had not planned to go out this morning but as it was cold and clear (and I am a sucker for running when it is very cold) I am glad I did. To feel the cold air on one's bare chest, arms and legs is really quite refreshing after the much warmer temperatures of the summer. Once you get out there and adjust to the cold it doesn't feel or seem so cold anymore.

For those that want to try it - start small and work up. Do a short run of only a few minutes and build up over time. I ran for around 50 minutes today and 1h10m yesterday. I topped the run off this morning with a cold shower - progressing to luke warm after about 3 or 4 minutes. I promise you that there are no lasting adverse effects!

One final thing - I think I may have found a place I can take a dip to cool off mid-run. On one run I did last week I ran along a clean, swiftly flowing stream with a few areas which would allow easy access. I may try that out early one morning, next week. I'll let you all know how I get on.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Back to Basics

I realised a while back that I had moved away from the original intent of this blog which was to explore my relationship with cold water. The blog seems to have evolved to one of my return to a high level of fitness and running as well as how much weight I had lost.

Today I want to get back to basics: cold water immersion.

With the winter months approaching and the temperatures declining slowly, I thought it was about time to test the water and get back into at least one cold bath a week until the really cold weather bites. The thermometer indicated 13C as I ran the water - not too cold but quite a few degrees colder than my first cold bath at 16C around 18 months ago when I shivered uncontrollably after only a few minutes.

I set the timer for 10 minutes as I climbed into the 13C water today. Once fully immersed I was pleased to discover that my breathing rate was not much above normal and nor was my heart rate. I didn't feel cold at all during the entire ten minutes, in fact I was quite enjoying it - even at the end.

I take it from this that I am still acclimatised to the cold water experience and am looking forward to when the water temperature gets into single figures so that my skin goes red and numb after a few minutes immersion.

I really do have to find a place that I can try swimming in cold water this year. Maybe a few trip to the sea and a cold water swim there would be good for a change of scenery and a new experience. Any suggestions of places to go on the UK South Coast? Anyone want to join me?